Please note this page is only for historical reference and access to our templates and samples.
Our 5th and final DA and BDA Visioning Conference was in 2023.
Registration for this event is now closed. Please visit our home page for other upcoming events, including the BDA Solvency Immersion Conference, for which July through December 2024 registration is now OPEN.
We will host nine workshops via video conference over two months, all focused on visioning in DA and BDA:
Sometimes one of the hardest questions to answer in life is “What do I really want?” We keep ourselves so busy doing what we have to do that we don’t get around to asking ourselves what we want to do. And sometimes we don’t know how to differentiate between what we really want and what we think we should want.
— from DA's Visions pamphlet
Because we will be welcoming DA and BDA members to share real-world details of their businesses and lives, we must ask that all workshop participants meet the only requirement for DA and BDA membership:
an ongoing desire to stop incurring new unsecured debt, one day at a time, no matter what ​
Please visit our Vision Galleries to see the personal and business visions created and shared by our fellow DA and BDA members in 2021, 2022, and 2023. The Vision Galleries are also where you'll find the templates for each visioning activity:
Personal visioning in pictures
Business visioning in pictures
How to register:
Please send a one-time contribution of $95 or more via with a note that says:
Visions (and your preferred email address for follow-up)
Please keep in mind that your $95 donation (or more) will give you access to up to NINE 2-hour interrelated events, spanning two months.
All funds received will be split between our General Fund (20%), Literature Fund (40%), and Public Information Fund (40%) — Our service vision is to say "yes" to every request we receive for free DA and BDA conference-approved literature and to provide meaningful outreach to our fellow debtors who need our help. Please support our vision and service activities!​​
Please see our Service Goals and Treasury Reports for more information about "where the money goes" and reach out to with questions.
For application and support of DA and BDA's principles, especially but not only the 12 Steps, please consider attending one of the six-month BDA Solvency Immersion Conference cycles.